Created at 2019-04-12 07:45:45 , with PHPMetrics v2.1.0 (Jean-François Lépine).

Demographical repartitions of logical lines of code by class



Class LLOC CLOC Volume Intelligent content Comment Weight
Hal\Report\Html\Reporter 124 30 2337.07 186.42 31.85
Hal\Report\Violations\Xml\Reporter 47 15 510.91 89.41 34.74
Hal\Report\Cli\Reporter 85 14 1022.69 132.03 26.8
Hal\Metric\Consolidated 86 37 1036.75 98.74 37.55
Hal\Metric\InterfaceMetric 4 0 0 0 0
Hal\Metric\FunctionMetric 5 0 0 0 0
Hal\Metric\FileMetric 5 0 0 0 0
Hal\Metric\Metrics 26 25 48.76 9.75 44.21
Hal\Metric\ProjectMetric 5 0 0 0 0
Hal\Metric\Helper\RoleOfMethodDetector 29 15 228.4 26.1 39.31
Hal\Metric\Class_\Component\MaintainabilityIndexVisitor 46 31 573.86 56.58 41.61
Hal\Metric\Class_\Coupling\ExternalsVisitor 75 27 473.67 31.64 35.77
Hal\Metric\Class_\Text\HalsteadVisitor 59 29 1230.36 102.83 38.83
Hal\Metric\Class_\Text\LengthVisitor 36 20 371.51 47.94 40.21
Hal\Metric\Class_\Complexity\KanDefectVisitor 33 15 219.62 31.37 38.09
Hal\Metric\Class_\Complexity\CyclomaticComplexityVisitor 60 28 383.51 20.65 38.34
Hal\Metric\Class_\ClassEnumVisitor 65 8 579.61 46.03 24.53
Hal\Metric\Class_\Structural\SystemComplexityVisitor 40 23 465.98 56.17 40.26
Hal\Metric\Class_\Structural\LcomVisitor 62 27 502.12 24.45 37.67
Hal\Metric\System\Packages\Composer\Composer 35 16 341.32 153.01 38.14
Hal\Metric\System\Packages\Composer\Packagist 41 10 398.89 53.19 31.94
Hal\Metric\System\Changes\GitChanges 106 36 1437.37 88.91 35.17
Hal\Metric\System\Coupling\PageRank 55 20 723.78 29.77 35.87
Hal\Metric\System\Coupling\Coupling 44 12 379.98 34.18 32.86
Hal\Metric\ClassMetric 5 0 0 0 0
Hal\Component\Ast\NodeTraverser 60 5 395.06 22.2 20.83
Hal\Component\Output\CliOutput 31 25 103.78 16.51 43.47
Hal\Component\Output\ProgressBar 43 40 320.63 24.98 43.99
Hal\Component\Issue\Issuer 95 44 690.61 102.05 37.01
Hal\Component\Tree\Edge 24 23 41.36 15.04 44.19
Hal\Component\Tree\Node 49 40 148.99 12.02 43.08
Hal\Component\Tree\Graph 59 35 268 31.53 40.53
Hal\Component\Tree\Operator\CycleDetector 41 23 229.44 16.06 40.04
Hal\Component\Tree\GraphException 4 0 0 0 0
Hal\Component\Tree\HashMap 26 21 48.76 9.75 43.01
Hal\Component\File\Finder 33 35 297.21 67.84 44.82
Hal\Violation\Violations 25 19 63.4 12.19 42.55
Hal\Violation\Class_\Blob 42 12 199.65 46.79 32.86
Hal\Violation\Class_\TooComplexMethodCode 31 12 92.51 26.02 35.87
Hal\Violation\Class_\TooDependent 31 12 106.61 28.05 35.87
Hal\Violation\Class_\TooLong 31 12 105.49 30.54 35.87
Hal\Violation\Class_\ProbablyBugged 34 13 126.71 39.22 36.08
Hal\Violation\Class_\TooComplexClassCode 32 12 109.39 31.67 35.56
Hal\Violation\ViolationParser 15 4 36.5 16.59 32.62
Hal\Application\Analyze 63 28 419.19 65.55 37.87
Hal\Application\Application 43 13 321.17 71.37 34.2
Hal\Application\Config\Validator 54 15 257.84 31.76 30.92
Hal\Application\Config\ConfigException 4 0 0 0 0
Hal\Application\Config\Parser 33 3 303.08 33.03 21.62
Hal\Application\Config\Config 29 23 74.96 13.04 42.87
MyVisitor 13 13 14 14 44.46